Saturday, April 23, 2011

Pictures from the Past as Well!

     I was looking for pictures of Granite, Oklahoma where my grandparents lived and my father grew up.  There is some interesting history from this tiny town...but naturally I can't find those pictures at the moment. 

     I found these though of my grandmother Roberts.  The first ones were taken I think while she still lived in South Carolina.  I would be pretty sure she made the dress; look at the lace bib/bodice and the buttons all the way down the front.  And the hat!  Love the hat!!

      The third picture I'm guessing was their wedding picture.  The dress is slightly different, more of a shawl collar to the waist and different hat.  There's even a possibility that she just changed the top!  The writing on the back is almost obliterated but starts off "Marr....",

      Wouldn't it be a delight to have those dresses, and especially the hats, today to cherish!  At least we have the pictures!

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